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Club Champ Points 2013
Nov & Beg Points 2013







Join now Club Membership will run until end of December 2024

All Falcon MCC Events are TSR22B (No Stop)




Please note that all Huddersfield Falcon Trials are pre-enter via the ACU online entry system. You cannot turn up on the day expecting a ride.


Forthcoming Events 2024

3rd Round Summer Wine Evening Series Trial, Wednesday 10th July, 6.30pm at Horn Hill, New Mill, Holmfirth HD9 7DH - DOWNLOAD RESULTS

Round 4 Rev Shed Club Championship Trial, Sunday 28th July, 11.00am at Pashley Green Farm, Cawthorne S75 4AQ - DOWNLOAD REGS



ACU Licenses

Please note - All riders must show there ACU Licenses at sign on in every trial. No License then no ride.

CLUB Vouchers

If any rider needs to use there club “Free entry or Subscription” vouchers then please contact Howard Marsden via his email. These can’t be used on the ACU online entry system so Howard will bring cash to pay the rider back.

Notice to Club Members

ACU Trials and Enduro Department would like to remind all riders that as indicated in the ACU National Sporting Code
Point 17 of Appendix D - Machines and Accessories:
When due to the nature of the competition, a machine is ridden on the Public Highway.
It is the sole responsibility of the rider to ensure that their machine is roadworthy and that they and their machine comply with all legal requirements.

This requirement is also stated in both the ACU Trials and Enduro Standing Regulations

Additionally it is also stated under the Entry Declaration on ACU Entry forms which all riders acknowledge and sign before competing in an event.

It is important that all riders comply with this ruling as to help with the safeguarding of Trials and Enduro events on the road in the future.

Number Boards

Can riders try to ensure that they have a plastic covered number board on there bike. When the weather conditions are wet without these boards it makes it very hard for the observer to see the riders number

Illegal Practicing

It has come to the clubs attention that a small group of irresponsible riders are returning to venues after the event and using the land without permission of the landowner. These riders are jeopardizing venues which the club have used for a long time and fought hard to continue to use in the future. Under no circumstances should any of the Huddersfield Falcon MCC event venues be used for practicing without the express permission of the landowner. Any rider found to be doing so may be excluded from any future competitions.

Lost & Found - Please check here if you left something at an event by mistake

Next Falcon MCC Club Meeting is Wednesday 7th August 2024- The Woodman Inn , Clayton West, HD8 9QB, 8.00pm prompt.